Promotion offer a range of promotional packages to advertisers. Throughout our site you will see a number of text-based advert blocks, currently served by the Google Adsense revenue program.An example of these adverts is shown below:
Anyone interested in advertising on our website can choose to replace any of these Adsense blocks with their own graphical, or text-based advert.
We also offer basic text links to external websites, within the on-page content of most pages. contains a fully functional database listing of Medieval Castles. Whilst free listings are offered which include a basic castle description and contact details, advertisers can also choose to upgrade their listings.
Upgraded listings include:
i) Higher placed positioning within search results.
ii) A link to a single external website (pure, non redirected HTML links are provided).
iii) An email enquiry form putting visitors directly in touch with advertisers.
iv) Google map facility & travel directions
v) Image gallery
vi) Events calendar
vii) Links to your social media profiles
All of the above features can be maintained by advertisers via their own unique content management system hosted at For further information please contact us by email on: