Dracula Castle Introduction

However, it wasn't until fairly recent times that people realised that Stoker had based his character of Count Dracula on a real historical figure who was renowned in his time probably more than anything else for his cruelty and sadistic nature although he was also a very wily and cunning warlord. His name was Prince Vlad Dracula and today he is remembered by the nickname: 'the impaler'.

It cannot however be denied that Vlad left a legacy of fortified palaces and castles which he inherited and greatly developed and which have survived through the centuries.
In spite of his many cruelties, in Romania Vlad Dracula is remembered today as a national hero.
Dracula's Early Life | Bran Castle & Tirgoviste
Castle Poenari | The Taking of Brasov | War With the Ottaman Turks
Vlad Dracula's Legacy